Minnesota’s governor Jesse Ventura exposed HAARP many years ago on a show called Conspiracy Theorys (of course). It was his concern at the time that all was not as it was being reported! Conspiracy Theory is no longer useful for deflecting the nefarious truth but points a finger straight at who else, the government!

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HAARP is a disaster from an environmental standpoint, but it has nothing to do with weather control. It is neither the scientific study the Air Force claims it is, nor the weapon the crackpots on the internet claim it is.

It is quite simply, a theft of Air Force funds. The Arco company gets $600,000,000 of Air Foce money for natural gas from wells they could not use otherwise, and the Air Force officers who approved the project get nice cushy jobs with Arco when they retire a few years later.

HAARP DOES affect the weather, but ANY strong electromagnetic equipment will do that. But the intent of HAARP is not to control weather. It is to rip off the government.

Use of any electromagnetic means to control weather is simply not possible. It would have to violate several well-established scientific facts, including the inverse square law and the second law of thermodynamics. There is no known scientific principle that could explain why or how any such technology could work.

If you think it is possible to control weather with an electromagnetic device, instead of resorting to dubious internet sources of information, what you need to do is build your own weather control device and hold a public demonstration. Invite as many physicists as you can to watch you change weather at will. Create clouds in a clear sky, drill a hole in an overcast, change the direction clouds are moving while your audience watches. That will convince the scientific community that EM weather control is possible.

But don't expect anyone to believe it otherwise. The internet is not a reliable source of information.

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There is a credible report from an informed insider, that HAARP was used to cause the New Zealand earthquake. Its use for worsening multiple hurricanes, causing floods & droughts, is also well documented. Under DOD control, one can only expect human suffering on a grand scale to be its future.

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