
Putin as a WEF Young Leader is fake.

In a speech in 2017, WEF founder Klaus Schwab mentioned Russian President Vladimir Putin as a Young Global Leader but he was mistaken. Putin is not mentioned on any archived member list. Putin did, however, attend a 1992 WEF meeting in St. Petersburg, where he was serving as head of the Committee for External Relations of the Mayor’s Office at the time.

Also, Putin would have been too old to be on the “Young Global Leader” programme.

The idea that Russia and China are part of NWO, Great Reset etc. etc. is puerile.

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Hi Geoff

There is another reference from the horse’ mouth, Klaus Schwab during a meeting with the Costa Rican prime minister in 2019, on YouTube, already mentioned at the end of my article (and after you comment now also in the text of the article). So Klaus Schwab has said this at least twice in public! You obviously don’t take him at horseface value!

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I would rather believe what Putin says than deliberate lies by Klaus Schwab to cast aspersions against Putin.

Putin wants nothing to do with the WEF Great Reset and is fighting, with moral support from China, to free the world from US hegemony.

“Ultimately, the West’s desire to maintain its global dominance is the root of the ongoing Ukrainian turmoil, as well as crises in the other parts of the globe”, Putin believes.

“Today, the entire planet has to pay the price for the ambitions of the West, for its attempts by any means to maintain its crumbling dominance,” he said.

Concerned only with their “vested interests and super profits,” the Western elites led the world into the current situation through “years of mistakes and short-sited decisions.” Putin said.

These are not the words of someone who is in cahoots with the US in the WEF Great Reset.

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Are you sure that Putin is against this oligarchy shit that the west does?

He's playing a role of the fake opposition, just like what happened during the cold war.

It's straight out of the book 1984 where the endless war keeps going and it's used to keep people afraid and support their governments.

As for globalism, Russia is pushing CBDC and more surveillance just like the left. Why would they do this to their people if it's an evil wef plan?


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I could believe this if Russia did not behave exactly like all other western countries during "COVID." The jibby jabs were forced on people as hard, or harder, there than in the West. And my understanding from people living there is that Russia is far further along in the technocratic great reset garbage than is the US. Triple that for China, the model for the hellscape that is being created in the US.

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China was hosting the Winter Olympics where countries around the world were competing who all embraced lockdowns.

China had little choice but to ensure the perceived safety of their Olympic guests.

In a speech, Mr Xi said China's zero Covid policy had withstood the test of the Winter Olympics.

Shanghai is home to many US corporations and financiers and some suggest that it is from these US influences that Shanghai had draconian lockdowns.

More importantly Chinese officials have accused the US of releasing SARS-CoV-2 in China as a bioweapon. Other cities in China would follow suit with lockdowns if they were of the mindset that they are under biological attack by the US.

Also, Russia has raised concerns at the number of US funded biolabs in Ukraine and the research into targeted attacks against specific Slavic genomes.

Russia suffered many more deaths than they should have done from their strains of SARS-CoV-2.

Also, both China and Russia compete in the capitalist system and they both had non mRNA “vaccines” to sell on the world stage.

Perhaps their embrace of lockdowns, QR codes, health passes etc. was a direct result of their belief that their country and people were under biological attack.

Another state that has accused the US of attacking them with SARS-CoV-2 is Iran whose leaders died disproportionally from Covid.

Perhaps the three biggest enemies of the US have cause for concern.

The actions by China and Russia to control their citizens by lockdowns and technology may be a result of them wanting to monitor their citizens, particular the Atlanticists, and the activities of foreign influence within their countries to stop fifth column infiltration by the US and other Western foreign powers particularly from future biological attacks.

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In my next article will substantiate that China is no exception to the rule that all countries in the world have been captured by the Predators. Their roles may differ, but they are all pawns of the old and still mainly secret globalist project led by the banking dynasties.

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Hey there, goodmorning, goedemorgen, :-) it's not necessary to believe or not to believe Klaus Schwab in regards to Putin and the WEF association. Because the orders come from well above Klaus Vaak in the indestructible pyramid structure of humanity; this babbling old fool is just another useful idiot too who thought he was somebody with all his gullible young and stupid followers with their deranged mental faculties. In fact, it's time for a changing of the guard, as has happened in history several times. And this is what we are observing - the power shift from the American continent to the Eastern continent. However, this time, there are other, major interests at stake, not just global power - namely, the space industry and the conquest of space (and possibly even other territories, beyond Earth, but that notion is still in its infancy...). People are overlooking this very important fact. All countries have to work together on this, which provides for an entirely new dynamic in global powermongering. It follows that most people have not even begun to consider the impact on human existence with this new industry that involves geoengineering: darkening of the firmament (sunblocking), taking over human consciousness (the vax), and busting through the protective layer around the Earth (flat earth, round earth, it does not matter) by means of EMF. Take a look, and thanks for looking - zonderreden.substack.com

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No. It's not puerile.

Russia and China went along with con-vid.

Russia's sputnik shot loosely based on Astra zeneca had huge issues that they are still covering up like we are in the West.

There's more and more weird shit and here's a substack to follow about it


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James Corbett, Catte Black, Iain Davis, Riley Waggaman (aka Edward Slavsquat) and others use the example of the “pandemic” to suggest that China and Russia are fully onboard with the Technocratic New World Order.

However, Chinese and Iranian officials have accused the US of releasing SARS-CoV-2 in China and Iran as a bioweapon.

Also, Russia has raised concerns at the number of US funded biolabs in Ukraine which may target particular individuals or Slavic people.

The actions by Iran, China and Russia to control their citizens by technology is maybe a result of them wanting to monitor their citizens and the activities of foreign influence within their countries to stop fifth column infiltration by the US and other Western foreign powers particularly if they believe the West used the virus as a bioweapon against them.

Also, both China and Russia compete in the capitalist system and they both had non mRNA “vaccines” to sell on the world stage.

This doesn't mean China, Russia and the US are all involved with each other in some shadowy conspiracy controlled by a tiny Global Elite.

With North Korea admitting to defeating Covid it would mean they are also being controlled by this shadowy Global Elite which is just plain ridiculous.

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In my book I explain and provide the burden of proof on how all countries are controlled by the same Predators. That includes North Korea (see William Engdahl’s article). Recently, a NK missile was analyzed: most of its parts were American or Western (source Bloomberg). All the world’s a stage, said Shakespeare 500 years ago.

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COVID was nothing different than the flu. We know that after the propaganda lost pushing that it was super deadly.



As for lab leaks, why would China allow western corporations and agencies to use their labs?

Why exactly did Russia stop researching bioweapons a while ago?

Also, what bio weapon when COVID itself was nothing new?


Gain of FICTION is there to keep people afraid.

If they had a deadly bioweapon, they would have used that instead of fake a crisis.

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SARS-CoV-2 was an economic bioweapon released by the US against China to disrupt their economy.

The US pays China to use their labs.

Russia is still researching bioweapons and accusing the US of using them in Ukraine.

The experimental jabs are the real bioweapon.

If you are going to quote the fraud Sam Bailey then you and I have nothing further to discuss.

Viruses exist, get over it and goodbye.

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Haha, so just because Dr Sam says something you don't agree with you dismiss the simple freaking point....

What exactly did they engineer if con-vid didn't actually cause the deaths, as you state.... The shots.

But these shots were well known to be toxic years before con-vid or "spike protein".

What lab was needed when they found that the lipids were toxic and decided to use that for COVID shots?


"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."


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Virussen bestaan !? Niemand heeft tot nu toe echt bewijzen ( isolatie van een virus ) aangetoond. Virus verhaal is helemaal gebaseerd van onwetenschappelijk aannamen. Gevestigde orde en farmakologische industrie heeft grote voordeel voor tot stand houden van deze onwetenschappelijk aannamen. Er zijn aantal boeken over deze kwestie en geven heel duidelijke uitleg en redenering.

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Riley Waggaman (aka Edward Slavsquat) is a moron.

As the highly regarded geo-political analyst Xoaquin FIores of New Resistance states “I am familiar with Riley Waggaman (aka Edward Slavsquat) and – to put it mildly – his reports should be treated with great caution in my opinion.”

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So all you can do is call him names?

What exactly did he get wrong?

I question everything and the stuff that the pro BRICS etc groups say is bullshit and ignores the inner fight of Russian politics that Riley does cover.

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Charles Bausman stooge Riley Waggaman (aka Edward Slavsquat) was behind Russian Soldier Vaccine Mandate Hoax.

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He used to give weekly updates on Jesse Zurawell's show. I thought he was honest and insightful. I did not sense duplicity or ill-will in anything he was saying or doing. Like everyone, I'm sure he could be wrong about certain things. I just perceived him as giving his own perceptions about what was going on in Russia.

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Are you so very sure, Geoff? Check this out, from 2021:


Interestingly, Merkel, Putin and Blair, all mentioned by Schwab as having been part of his programme, are all of a very similar age - Putin and Blair both currently being 71, Merkel 69. If the WEF YGL programme has existed since 1993 then they would have been in around 40 at the time. So it depends on how Schwab defines "young", I guess?

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Ik ben het eens met uw woorden. Dit soort ideen / informatie veroorzaakt bij mensen hopeloosheid. Als alles van toevoeren is gepland en een voor een in de praktijk is gebracht, we zijn bij voorbaat verliezer. Waroom moeten wij vechten omdat wij in ieder geval verliezer zijn.

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Dear Bir

You are saying that you agree with my words, but that my conclusions will give many people a feeling of helplessness.

To which I will say that humanity is facing - and for the first time starting to understand - the enormity of the evil that threatens us. We have to know who our enemy is, otherwise all our battles will be lost (Sun Tzu). And we have also to earn who we are ourselves, as I explain in my book: we come from ABOVE and can move mountains, and not from BELOW, as the enemy has made us belief.

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It's only when we stop believing in lies that things get better.

"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality

Yes! I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Glafia's CIA agent Fidel Castro?

How can that be verified?

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Check Servando Gonzalez; the then US Ambassador in Cuba, etc

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With all respect Mees.

You've made the claim therefore you must have researched this matter - IMO you should also be willing and able provide the required verification instead of getting someone else to do the research.

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I should have answered: it’s in my book in A6.6 on the Cold war, the section on Cuba

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I forgot to tell you that i was shocked when I discovered this, Castro was seen as a hero on the left - but so were Lenin and Trotsky. It’s all theater.

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Mees, that doesn't quite provide the answer I was hoping for - considering it's in your book then you might have found some evidence that supports it - You could quite simply post that here.

Is the book free to read on the web?

There's an article by the Guardian about Fidels sister Juanita being a CIA informer.

Thanks I think I'll leave it here for now your article was interesting.

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Finn, my book is available at my site thepredatorsversusthepeople.substack.com, presently for $15. I have to charge this modest amount due to my dire financial situation.

Besides, I have given you two search terms which will provide you with the evidence in case you do not want to buy my book.

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I believe what you are saying here deeply. I'm in San Diego. It is as if a door has been opened and millions of Chinese and Hindus--all seemingly with large amounts of money, more than most Americans--have been ushered into the county (and country) and are being encouraged to "take over." This is not organic or natural at all. It appears planned and is ramping up in speed. Mandarin speaking Chinese in all parts of San Diego now, in places that I never saw them only a few years ago. Hindus everywhere as well. San Diego, a mildly conservative, affordable sleepy WASP majority town for a hundred years will soon be an Asian majority town.

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Correct! That's right, word for word!

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