This is brilliant.

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Christine Massey has submitted thousands of freedom of information requests to government agencies around the world for proof that sars cov 2 exists and has never received any proof. It only exists in silico (a computer model) and not in material reality.

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"The fascist lockdowns and forced medical experimentation were fun for only the mindless professional managerial class in the West, whose lives were so devoid of meaning and whose heads so emptied by endless PowerPoint presentations about the essence of nothing, that lockdowns and being whipped to get an injection actually turned them on" Sums up the shallow thinking of my PMC colleagues beautifully!

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professional managerial class. Also known as Vogons.

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"Professional Managerial Class"

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I agree with Fil666. Brilliant in that someone is finally starting to put together the Big Picture of the Covid pandemic, Covid vaccine manipulation (to the point of massive fraud against the world's public).

When the Pandemic was ongoing I had access to enough diverse information to know that some sort of fraud on a massive scale was going on. I -- and I think a lot of others -- at the time just didn't quite know what it was and the full extent of the fraud. Now Mr. Shoniwas has here connected the dots.

Thank you, Rusere Shoniwa.

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Early on it was revealed that even Cristian Drosten admitted that he did not have a purified and isolated sample to work with - He used Kari Mullis invention to fraudulently diagnose people with SarsCov 2 while Anthony Fauci also used the PCR technique to falsely diagnose people with Aids during the 80's [and make a lot of money selling his snakeoil]

I found it rather suspicious as to why both Russia and China went along with the fraud since they're continually in the Neocons crosshairs.

This webpage is the Real left, once I was under the impression that wsws was part of the real left however during the scamdemic they followed the official version instead of embracing this golden opportunity by exposing the fraud.

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In answer to why Russia and China went along, we have to revise our old paradigms of international relations and geopolitics. If we are to understand the world, we must understand the layer of power that sits above the nation state. A good expression of this comes from this quote:

"The aggressor does not represent a state or a group of states, but constitutes a vast network of private, supranational entities, guided not only by a thirst for absolute power and the establishment of a world tyranny but primarily by deeply spiritual motives of an evil nature. The targets of these forces are all the nations of the world, all human beings, the rivalries between them [i.e. nation states] being simply part of the strategy of domination...One of the basic errors related to globalization is the tendency to assign to the collective West the exclusive role of driving this process...The decline of the West and the rise of the BRICS are equally applauded by all challengers of American hegemony. Meanwhile, very few notice that the Great Reset is imposed everywhere. Transcending the geopolitical conflicts that are waged horizontally, it is dictated by the vertical of power, the only force that really matters. Once again, the world is ruled by private, supranational entities operating through the UN, WHO, et al. Big Money, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media, etc., are just the tentacles of the same Satanic octopus. I have called these new realities on a global scale “the end of classical geopolitics”. Today, the basic conflict is a vertical one: it is fought from top to bottom, and the enemy is a non-state, supranational and extraterritorial entity."

That is from:


As for wsws, my theory as to why they could not see through the build-back-better scam: I think that they seized on covid as a vehicle to strike a blow against capitalism. They failed to see that it was a manufactured crisis. They thought it was a genuine crisis and that global capital would 'mismanage' it. Thus they seized on it and thought they could use the 'mismanagement' of the crisis as a stick with which to beat capitalism. Amazingly they failed to see that it was a created crisis - disaster capitalism - on a planetary scale!

I know very little about wsws but I know the people who run this Real Left site and they are the real deal - pro-human, pro-freedom.

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So interesting about the glitch in the Australian GP journal and useful to me as I'm planning a letter to my local MP and I'll use it along with work done by another Substacker on the submissions to the Australian government response to covid inquiry.


Yes, people were in place everywhere to implement the scam - there was no "going along" at a high level - all the people necessary at a high level were in on it.

We could know from Day One that it was a psyop all done through mind control propaganda and zero reality when they blatantly told us Revelation-of-the-Method style with the dancing hospital staff, the people falling flat on their faces and laid out on hospital floors and the claim (debunked within the same article) that a Chinese research team had found two species of snake to be "reservoirs" of the virus.

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Interesting link, I appreciated reading that.

The scamdemic revealed that there already is a one world government in place and that many in high office [public servants] use the steps of government house as steppingstones towards lucrative corporate appointments.

Unfortunately I'm still none the wiser why both Russia and China went along with the scam - however China's political elite have links to the financial elite.

During the second world war both were aligned with the ''West'' against the Nazi's - however both Russia and China are presently being regarded as enemies while the nations who were aligned with the Nazi's during the ww2 are now aligned with the US.

Something about wsws - PILLARS OF FAKE LEFTISM EXPOSED: WSWS.ORG'' - https://shadowproof.com/2012/07/21/pillars-of-fake-leftism-exposed-wsws-org/

Note that the link has gone dead you should be able to retrieve it via an internet archive or wayback machine.

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A useful shorthand is to name them as they were named from the cross two thousand years ago: the "synagogue of satan". Factually correct and highly incisive.

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Worse than snake oil (which is harmless, from what I understand), AZT killed thousands. Some estimates are in the 10s of thousands.

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That's right, I should have used ''a snake in the grass''.

The media totally neglected to investigate and expose Fauci's dark and ugly history so their true function is to hide it - however there were quite a few people that did try bring the truth to light and that brings me to the Corman Drosten retraction request.

Flawed Paper Behind Covid-19 Testing to be Retracted, After Scientists Expose its Ten Fatal Problems [Algora]


Call up Guinness World Records

One of the 10 fatal flaws in the original Corman-Drosten paper was that it was unclear whether it had ever been subjected to proper peer review – before, that is, the panel of experts took it upon themselves to do so. The paper had been submitted on January 22 and published the very next day. Peer review, when it takes place, is normally a long, drawn out process with plenty of back-and-forth, even when it is being rushed as much as possible. That it could be done in a single day beggars belief.

But that is what the authors are asking us to believe, as they are still claiming that their article was “peer-reviewed by two experts on whose recommendation the decision to publish was made.’’ Eurosurveillance may want to consider submitting this feat to Guinness World Records as the fastest peer review of all time – it may not be too late to get into the 2021 edition.

Last but certainly not least - Christian Drosten has serious issues proving his scientific ''credentials'' yet is on the receiving end if very generous funding from Bill Gates [who has no medical education]

Must read article exposing Christian Drosten & The Fraud Behind COVID 19 PCR Testing [principia Scientific - https://principia-scientific.com/christian-drosten-the-fraud-behind-covid-19-pcr-testing/

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Could do without the “far right shenanigans” dig. They want us to hate each other, makes coming together over stuff like this harder.

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I'm right leaning and I can let that slide, the fact that there are people at all on the left at all who are, and have been, opposing the lockdowns and vaccines is encouraging to me, I only recently found this publication. Sadly I have not met a single one in my everyday life that I can think of, where as pretty much every single person in my life who is right leaning more or less understands COVID was a scam and I've been able to freely and openly talk about it with them for the past 4 years.

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