A superb article, thank you Rusere. I wonder whether there are any limits to the BFI’s support of ‘Israel’s right to exist’? In perpetuity? At all costs? At the expense of the Palestinians? Is World War Three worth it? I don’t think they’ve thought it through. I don't know why they feel the need to genuflect before Israel. They won’t get any thanks for it. It’s not like Netanyahu cares what anyone thinks. ‘Useful idiots’ comes to mind except that’s unfair on useful people and idiots. Looking forward to the next instalment!

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All very reasonable questions Chris. Implicit in the questions is perhaps an understandable but vain hope that the Board of BFI have also asked themselves those questions. They haven't and that's because their values system prevents them from being plagued by those questions. Or perhaps, even more scary is that they have asked the questions, they have thought it through and, like Ms Albright, they think it's worth it, whatever 'it' is for them.

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