Thank you for this report.

"Say no to evil" is catchy!

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‘If most people can be convinced that the situation is desperate, then most people are likely to acquiesce to desperate and dangerous measures.’

Spot on! Such a transparent formula and yet it works time and time again. See also the War on Terror, the War on Viruses and, most recently, the War on the Far Right.

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All of those wars being cover stories for the ultimate real war - the war on humanity!

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Does Dane Wigington and his many-years-active Geoengineering Watch not play in the UK? This is useful information, but it's being treated as new and novel. It's not.

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I'm sure UK residents are well aware of Dane Wigington's Geoengineering Watch. The UK seems to be very under-developed in its resistance to geoengineering, unlike the US where some states have introduced legislation to ban SRM. This article was not an attempt to treat geoengineering as new and novel. Rather, it's an attempt to understand what the UK govt has been saying about geoengineering. I want to understand why they think they can do it in order to understand what a potential legal challenge would look like.

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Thank you for the kind, considered response. I do think that without a nod to Dane's incredible amassed work, it's missing some depth, but, hey, it's here now. Will be following!

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Thanks for this. I welcome your investigation as I have many friends who point to the skies and say "They are spraying chemicals up there". When I ask "who are they" and "why are they doing it" I get various responses but little evidence or analysis that it is being carried out continuously on a global scale. Surely the starting point must be to discuss those activities we know about, including passenger and cargo flights, military, research, crop spraying, cloud seeding, etc. and the pollution/impacts they likely cause. I would also like to see more discussion by sceptics of the climate emergency narrative about the extent to which atmospheric chemical spraying could bring about the apparent climate changes we've experienced in recent years.

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I'm going to keep digging but the problem I am starting to face is that there seems to be very little in the way of full disclosure that was promised in the 2010 committee paper analysed above. We know it's happening; "they" (primarily the govt) know that if they took the correct route to getting approval, it would get blocked; so, they're just doing it anyway and putting the onus on us to prove exactly what's going. Let's see what comes out of the next phase of the investigation. By the way, several states in the US have recently introduced state-level legislation to ban it, so we KNOW it's happening!

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Jim Lee - Climateviewer.com - has a compelling view on what is going on in the skies. He suggests it's the pollutants from jet engine emissions and the routing of flights to maximise daytime and minimise nighttime cloud cover - that is our biggest concern.

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Brilliant. My pleasure at reading such a beautifully written article was matched only by my anger / incredulity over what is being done – and planned. Will share widely and am looking forward to Part II.

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So have you used FlightRadar to ID the planes you accuse of spreading chemicals? If not, why not? If so, what did you find?

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What does it matter if they put the crap in the jet fuel. Additives are regularly changed at terminals where they feed it up the pipeline. I think when people are looking for specific flights it's a red herring because of they put it in the fuel everyone is spreading it.

Now what can we do? Perhaps the energy industry should be more transparent and explain why they are adding certain metals etc. If it's not for the engine or safety, it's for spraying. Bingo, then we can expose it.

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