I don't see how they're going to convince people to spend more for tech that doesn't do much over the last generation.

Heck, when it came to the fake progress of vaccinology, COVID was the pinnacle of vaporware. Even people who fell for it didn't go back for boosters.

These days, the absolute idiots (like those that still get the shots) are less and less, not counting the deaths.... 😂

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No. Batteries are not part of some Great Plot against Humans - but you are welcome to try to live without them if you so choose ;-)

Seriously folks, the storage of energy is what has enabled civilisation to thrive and flourish - and superstitions about and against technology belong in a fruitcake recipe, not on Substack, which after all, is largely brought to us by future tech, not by little green gremlins working treadmills to make the printing presses run faster!

Happy Halloween everyone, and lets not be nutters!

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Rob, you seem to have forgotten about the exploding pagers in Lebanon. An engineer friend of mine has explained how the lithium batteries in our smartphones could be weaponised in the same manner. That's not to say that we don't need those, of course.

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One could poison chocolates with ricin or deadly mushrooms if one preferred - the means is irrelevant, its the intent that matters .

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