Thanks for clarifying revolt as a natural thing that comes from increasingly worse conditions and gaslighting by the predator class and their sycophantic cheerleaders.

Here's an article on the experiments on transmarginal Inhibition which measured how much pain and suffering is required before the subject folds and accepts it vs fights back.


"All our lives we are told that humans are crazy, violent, irrational, etc. It turns out that this was determined by people who pretend to be sane, calm, rational. That's the definition of gaslighting."

I think that finally those sycophants who defended predatory capitalism, empire, and corruption are finally starting to feel again because it's also hitting them hard. No amount of numbing, whether through idealism or drugs can stop the reality that is hitting them in the face. Like the experiment, they're finally realizing that they're being shocked!

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Very relevant response, and thank you for it, Rob. I hope those waking up to what is happening because they are beginning to feel the pain, opt for fighting back.

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Every thing that points to a natural push back helps me have hope of the future.

We know how past revolutions were violent and restrictive. They like to remind us that humanity is barbaric.

“All our lives we are told that humans are crazy, violent, irrational, etc. It turns out that this was determined by people who pretend to be sane, calm, rational. That's the definition of gaslighting.”

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If there is one thing that makes me mad beyond description, it is gaslighting - taking us for fools and thinking they can get away with it. This is a very good example of such gaslighting; thanks for that. If we don't 'push back' vigorously, and soon, it may be too late. Here is something that gives me hope that it may be beginning to happen: https://rumble.com/v57lov1-we-need-young-men-to-rise-up-right-now-globalists-are-terrified-redacted-w-.html

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Every aspect of current culture is dehumanizing, DESIGNED to suppress and pull us away from our true selves, to destroy the underpinnings of the good, as well as to destroy our physicial and spiritual beings. Tell me why this is not a blueprint for today's world:


Tell me why all the politicians on the planet bow to these guys:


Tell me why we're ruled by myth, rather than fact:


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Good contribution, Thaddeus. These will take some digesting. Regarding myth, however, I believe Nietzsche was right when he claimed that every culture needs a 'sustaining myth' - what one might call a 'good' myth, something that provides a kind of foundation for a vigorous culture - such as what he detected among the ancient Greeks: https://brownstone.org/articles/nihilism-strikes-with-a-vengeance/

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Appreciate your response. Constructive and uplifting myths serve a good purpose, the myths we've been presented as history only serve evil intentions: the enslavement and ultimately the destruction of humanity.

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